I think it was a good realease although it would be really awesome if they put a little time in the storyline and the cinematics and of course the voice acting ( not the radio chatter they were great ). Anyways the online feature is awesome. What do u guys think and what do u think will make it better?
well the places in the ace combat series are all on the same planet, there all just different parts of the world. like ace combat 6 is north from whare ace combat 5 took place.
but i think the game was good, its got great replay value even tho the story could have been longer.
I really found the game awesome... i havnt really liekd to many flying games but i LOVE this game, its alot of fun singleplayer and especially online with friends on coop and vs. Easily the best Ace Combat game and a game that i am VERY glad to own (:
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