I've always thought that the gamerscore should represent how good a player is. But it doesn't seem to, as half the achievements don't have anything to do with skill. Take Halo 3 for example, if you collect skulls you get gamer points, i mean, what skill is there in finding a skull and picking it up for a couple of seconds, especially in a shooter, it's not like it's some sort of puzzle game. It bugs that most of my friends have higher gamerscores, but whenever i play them online, i really am the better player.
I feel that gamer points have gone abit off track from what they were originally trying to show. Games now seem to make achievements make you play a game differently, or do something you wouldn't normally do. Whereas they should really aim majority of there points available at the likes of completing the story mode on the hardest difficulty, or going on a massive killing spree online.
who else thinks that gamer points should be untially about how good the player is, raither then what small irrelivant thing they've done?
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