My brother was trolling the Epic forums and finally got himself banned. It said it has blocked his IP address, this mean I cant get into the forums either now. The important question is am I going to banned from Gears 3? After I learned of his doing I quickly got on Gears 2 and saw if I could play online. I could, but will they ban me in the future like tomorrow since today is Sunday and no one is working
No. By the sounds of it you are only banned from the Epic forums. Tell your brother to troll less from now on perhaps. But your Gears 3 online experience will still be intact.
Note: Epic forums will ban you from the game as well if your offense is bad enough. If he was just trolling then I doubt it will be too serious. But if he directly insulted a mod, staff member or was particularly vicious, then yes. You will be banned from the game.
Sorry,but I think you are banned from the game because they detect your IP.Actually I got banned from Live because of trolling on MS forums so...yeah good luck on that.
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