So i get up wicked early this morning and i get to work. Im done by noon and think to myself, it would be rude not to play some call of juarez. so i turn on the young 360 and it freezes mid load time. Second thing again. Take out the cd and it freezes whenever it tries to log in my profile. I can see right now people are having problems with live but i have to know. Is this the swan song? Are they the symptoms for the three rings of death? The screen freezes up perfectly and the music for the game keeps playing but its always when im logging in and always freezes indefinitely.
yea it the logging into xbox live... its too much for the 360 right now. when i open the market place mine freezes. i dont believe anything is wrong with you system
It might be the game. It sounds like the one persisent problem I had with a few games when I had my X360. Some games included F.E.A.R., Def Jam Icon, and The Godfather game. Those were rental games btw, and the games I bought rarely had this problem.
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