I've never seen anything wrong with good ole' Serverlists in games.
It's simple and I get to play EXACTLY what I want while being able to choose the game with the best connection while being able to completly aviod those certain "terrible" maps every game has because unlike matchmaking IT ACTUALLY LETS ME PICK MY MAP.
Enter Halo 2 and it's matchmaking that has taken over the gaming industry, we couldn't pick our map we wanted to play but I was sure it was an oversight and that it was probably left out to meet some deadline and was SURE Halo 3's matchmaking would include such a basic feature in an online game..... I was wrong. I honestly thought by 2007 we would AT THE VERY LEAST have a matchmaking system that at least lets us pick the map we want.
What's worse is that nearly every popular game on the 360 now uses matchmaking, even Gears of War 2 uses it which has completly ruined the experience for me. (aside for other obvious design choices)
Here we are in 2009 and games are moving AWAY from choice and forcing me into maps I never wanted to play in the first place. IMO matchmaking is moving the gaming industry backwards taking away from the freedom of gamers.
I find it hilarious that the "360" in the Xbox's name was used because the console was supposted to "put the expierience around the gamer." You were supposted to get unpresidented choice in everything you did. Yet the 360 has more games that use matchamaking than ANY other console... Irony much?
Let us not forget that Matchmaking lets team stacking with your friends easier than ever while making every one else's expierence terrible.
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