First of all these are not the best cell shaded graphics, I've seen better (yes, I am pointing at Eternal Sonata for example), and it makes the game look rushed and just, I don't really know, I just don't think its being made with that same passion they made Sands of Time with. PoP ended up being just another cashcow though on the last generation.
I mean they have these powerful platforms to work with and they decide to go with half-assed cell shading? Yes, I know its not finished yet, but I don't think it will improve that much till the end of this year. Just imagine the graphics if they used a next-gen version of the Sands of Time engine (Jade Engine). Oh, yh by the way I still think that out of the last three PoP games Sands of Time looked the best.
I don't think this game will be half as good as the last ones, and I was and still am a massive fan of those PoP games, but I hope I'm wrong, anyway.
I just hope if they do make that Beyond Good and Evil sequel they will not use cell-shaded graphics.
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