hearing rumours about (another) "new" 360.. aparentlyit will havea built inhd dvd drive and a 320GB hard drive..
is this starting to annoy anyone else?
i mean i remember before, when a new generation console came out.. you bought the console, then some games.
now it's buy this console, but waitthere's a newer one and it's black, then there's an arcade console and don't forget the old core. oh and beware about what you buy some have newer better chips, oh and there's a hdmi premium now too, oh and now where gonna do this new one..
really looks pathetic on M$. IMO
1. premium/pro
2. core
3. Elite
4. Premium with HDMI
5. Arcade (replacing core)
6. ultimate? (or whatever they'll call it, if it's true)
and the halo 3 if you count that.. when is enough enough? i don't mind buying a new next gen console.. i don't want to keep buying different 'upgraded' models of that sameconsole though(not that i will)
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