I just got back from Best Buy, I've been going as often as possible to try and find a Jasper model 360. Anyhow, last time I was there, which wasn't even a week ago they had 5 Pro models in stock and 3 of the Elite Game of the Year bundles. I went back today and all they have left is 4 Arcade models. Normally, I would think they just sold in that amount of time, however, since I've started looking I've not seen one sell, the only thing I've seen happen is 3 Pros came in the other day, but other than that I've not seen any purchased in close to a month.
When I got home I looked online to see if any other stores in my area had them in stock, the one nearest to me says they have no Pros or Elites (thought they may have had some in the back) and of the 6 stores they list for each model they are showing 3 with Pro, 1 with a regular Elite and 0 with the Elite Bundle. Again, all of the stores have had stock since I've been watching.
So, I was just curious if anyone has heard any new rumors regarding the Xbox. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this might be the first step to getting the bundle rumors that have been circulating recently since everyone still has the arcade model in stock. I'm hoping the bundles will have the jasper so I can finally get my 360 :D
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