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how long does it last? are the achievements a challenge? I'd like to get my moneys worth, and knowing SOTN is coming, and Worms is coming(endless fun via live) I dont know if i should get this. I don't get points for the MP all that much. But either way, is it worth it?Kenshi_is_god
The graphics are really neat looking. Its actually a funny game. It is a challenge. Beating it on easy is not easy. Half thee achievements are cake while the other half are well, imo not worth the trouble for such few points. There those kind of achievements that only mean something to the person who got them. Havent played multiplayer yet but I will say that Im glad I didnt spend $50 for this game on GC. Very entertaining in short sessions.
I thought the game was too hard. I probably died 100 times during the demo. That is actually another problem. Why give you infinite lives and have the game so hard? It pretty much makes dying meaningless. I think the game would be better if it was easier and then limiting the number of lives. The game also killed my right hand. Mashing the X button for shoot got painful by the end of the demo. I won't be buying this game.b11051973
You have a limited number of lives\continues and you have to get use to the concept of how the game is played before you realise why your dying so much. It took me a couple tries to realise I had more options to do with my Alien. Like dig!
I played the demo, 'n although it was entetaining 'n cool, I don't think it will have lasting value. Like Small Arms.. It was fun 'n seemed like a good purchase but after buying it I realized there isn't too much to it.
Oh well. Waiting for Worms 'n never played the Castlevania game but everyone loves it apparently so I'll give it a try. BTW I heard the Worms game is really stripped down. That blows. Hopefully they'll put everything in with DLabe content, but that means we'll have to purchase.
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