Honestly, I really am not interested at this point. The demo they had of it at E3 looked like more of the same COD ultra-macho warrior type of missions, instead of something fresh or innovative. Even the trailer couldn't get me excited. No offense, but it seems like most of the people excited for it are the typical 15-20 year old COD fanboys that buy anything with the Call of Duty brand on it. I'm not saying all of those excited are that. Halo Reach looks to offer way more value and excitement. I mean, there are going to be 4 different modes, let alone all of the new weapons, armor, abilities, maps, story, customization, etc.
I remember when the original COD came out, and it was just plain amazing. It wasn't a MOH clone, it surpassed it on so many levels, what with the insane Russain level where you were charging up a hill into enemy fire with no weapon. I don't know, it seems like developers are all about flash nowdays when it comes to shooters.
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