I'm incredibly backlogged, and to make matters worse theres about 15 or so games I'm buying this year that have been announced. Games I own that I have not completed yet are: Red Faction: Guerilla, DMC4, Farcry 2, Just Cause 2, GTA4 + Expansions, Forza 3, Burnout Paradise, Grid, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden 2, Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2, Battlefield BC2, Castlevania: LOS, SSFIV, Lega Star Wars, Dragon Age + All DLC, Perfect Dark Zero, Vanquish, Bioshock 1 and 2, FF13.
When I was only playing WoW (before I quit) I kept buying games I wanted and I'm just now starting to grind away at them, but it's a slow process with the other things I got goin on. I hope I can catch up before tons of the games this year come out.
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