Ok, there is burn-in (permanent and rare) and image retention (temporary and normal). From anectdotal evidence on avsforum, Samsungs for some reason are more prone to IR than the other plasmas, AND some isolated reports of actual burn-in.
Choose a non-samsung plasma, and enjoy. The picture quality is head and shoulders above an LCD, and this is coming from a former LCD Whore. All I ever wanted and bought were LCDs, but now I'm a plasma fan, and will not buy an LCD as my main TV. Even with a samsung plasma, using common sense, you won't have a problem. For the first hundred or more hours, break the tv in gently, turn everything down (brightness contrast etc.) and be careful not to leave static images for too long, and if you see black bars, zoom in for the first few months or so.
I vacationed in SF last year, and my room had a plasma (panny or hitachi i forget) and as a test, I left the TV on espn while me and the girl went shopping at union square. 4 hours later, I came up to see if the rolling tickers left any IR, nothing there. Perfectly fine.
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