TC: I played it offline with no problems. I played it upon it's release back in 2010. Decent game for me, I gave it a 7/10 back in the day. Here's the review with a video (6.5/10), if that helps.
@lamprey263 said:
I played it on Xbox 360, I don't remember downloading anything extra... I don't think.
Awesome game though. Gets too much crap for being a God of War clone, but it's a good one, did a better job at being a God of War clone in 2010 than God of War 3 was.
I agree it was a an okay-decent GOW clone. I'd say it was fun, but it wasn't great and kind of rote looking back...although the last half of the game was pretty repetitive, including the last two levels which weren't nearly as fun as the rest of the game, and the enemies were reused way too frequently. That said, I'm boggled by your comparison to GOW 3, which was fantastic by comparison. I love these hack and slash games though (Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Darksiders, etc). I would have given Dantes a 7/10 after beating it twice and getting 1000/1000 GS. I was lucky enough to play these two games back to back since they released a month apart.
I'm curious about the metascore since the comparison was thrown out and the games released a month apart back in 2010:
73/100 metascore - Dante's Inferno
That seems about right based on my time with the game, fun but with flaws. I loved the lore, so I remember thinking it could have used a few more months of development and polish, but I'm guessing they wanted to release before GOWIII released, and the multiplatform devs did manage to release and beat GOW3 release by a month.
GOWIII was an 8.5 out of 10 for me (it was flawed too, but far more polished and well crafted) after completing it a few times back then (92/100 metascore - GOW 3)
Of course, in the year 2016 looking back at 2010 games, things may seem different but I did play these games when they were at their freshest. As opposed to some that play games way later and unfortunately are forced to compare sometimes far too late (A kid playing 2010's Halo Reach today may not feel it's the 9/10 game, Street Fighter, GTA, COD, etc.). Like say, If I decided to play GOW 3 2015's Remaster that just released and look back at my 2010 Dante's Inferno memories (which would be a flawed comparison), it wouldn't be nearly as fair or accurate.
I do believe we all have on our own opinions though, and I respect yours, but I was just shocked at the comparison.
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