In canada, you can get xbox 360 elite with wifi and halo 3, lego indiana jones and kung fu panda for $330. As fas as I know, it's not available anywhere else
In canada, you can get xbox 360 elite with wifi and halo 3, lego indiana jones and kung fu panda for $330. As fas as I know, it's not available anywhere else
In canada, you can get xbox 360 elite with wifi and halo 3, lego indiana jones and kung fu panda for $330. As fas as I know, it's not available anywhere else
In canada?
Do they do US shipping?
i dont think so. futureshop and bestbuy have the sale for it. its 330 for the wifi adapter, elite, halo 3, lego indiana and kung fu panda game! its a sickk deal, disregarding the kung fu panda crap though! i just bought that 360 to go along with my other one today
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