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they are awesome, Id like to have them, but I dont want to spend money on them. ill enjoy halo 3 all the same.ag1002
OH YES OF COURSE!!! ill use them and play with them right along side my BARBIE DOLLS!!!!!.......WTF TC?? :?anandram
wow.... i guess it is kinda childish to collect action figures. But let's discuss some of your hobbies... well we know you like to play games... (which some still think is for kids)... anything else???.... I like comics too which I'm sure you'll make fun of as well, but what is most ironic is that you're probably a lot younger than me (probably still a virgin) and yet I'm the one being scrutinized about having a childish and unmanly hobby such as collecting action figures. But that's ok, you'll see the light somday(maybe after your first B.J.) And nice insult btw, BARBIE DOLLS...HAHA..... you compared my Halo action figures to Barbie Dolls because , you know, they're both you write your own material???...I mean... that's sooo freakin funny. wow...your good...your good.
WTF:? Calm down Cindy. Someones a bit defensive about his dolls.
Dont try your high school debate tactics with me because you wont win buddy. Lets address your points shall we?
Ok it was a bit stupid of me to condemn your "action figure" collection thing. For that im sorry.You want to know my hobbies? Well im 23 i am a website designer, yes i play PC/360 games, and for the record, the average gamer is 30odd these days iv heard somewhere before, so your comment is void. Again i am 23, check my profile skippy if you dont believe me, (if its up there:?) i have had about 2000million BJ's as you would expect at 23 and no im not a virgin....ask your just joking...sorry :( ....but no virgin im afraid, but am wondering (quite frankly quite worried)why you were so keen to know :?
i like how i got your back up with my 2 line comment that provoked a long ass rant from you. :lol:
Also, i collect comics too!!!! Shall we play with our toys together!!!!!! maybe MC and barbie can have a wedding???? :D..................:?.
Before youget teary eyed,im just playing...calm down man. Collect your damn figures if you want, i will not be:)
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