hate that sentiment, it should bother you carnage. whether you use/have those features or not, it should bother you that you're losing those options for no gain or reason at the very least. i'm not satisfied.. they basically told me they don't trust me (internet check) are going to limit my options on what i do with things i paid for. (can't even lend my brother a game?) the console looks like a old VCR (don't honestly care how it looks though) and they've not shown much for games or anything gamers should care about yet. oh and exclusives, always a bad taste in my mouth.. cause xbox exclusives don't usually interest me, while sony usually have some good exclusives making me wish i could play some. hey you asked if i was satisfied pre-e3, that's the facts. they've shown nothing good IMO (and much bad) there's really nothing to be impressed about so far IMO.
The thing that really sells game consoles, is a couple killer games. Until they show that (hopefully at E3) I'm not jumping on just yet. I'm not surprised about most the other "features" I'm sure MS has been trying to figure out how to not lose money to the used game market for some time. Not surprising details have not been give on their price schemes. Can you say bye bye gamestop....
I am satisfied that they have done a great job telling me all the reasons why I should not buy an xbox one.. more money to spend on the ps4 and upgrading my pc.
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