This is a topic for people that want to post what they love/hate about DLC and how specific games have utilized it.
"Crimes" of DLC
Resident Evil 5- this is pretty much the most obvious choice of the problems with DLC, because Capcom saw DLC as abusable. Street Fighter costume packs were overpriced, but it wasn't a big of a deal that you just didn't get an additional costume for the characters. What was ridiculous though was charging 5$ on DLC (concent that was already actually built into the game). Versus mode wasn't going "above and beyond the scope" of the Resident Evil 5 experience at all.
Halo Wars - The "strategic opputunities" DLC had just came out today, and it offered three additional game modes for....not for free...not 200 points...not 400 points...but 800 microsoft points. I don't even know if Robot entertainment had already set the prices for the DLC or if it was Microsoft, but I wasn't expecting the price of a map pack. Also, I did like Halo Wars but it was certainly in need of more content, and 800 points just for 3 mere game modes is defidently pushing it.
The "Gifts" of DLC
Battlefield Bad Company - Battlefield Bad Company strayed away from their initial conquest mode, and they realized that with the small number of players, they would want to concentrate where fighting was taking place and they decided to make an assault/defend game mode called Gold Rush. However with much demand from Battlefield Fans, DICE actually listened to their fans and they decided to grant Conquest Mode DLC. In addition to the eight (big maps) that came with the initial game, conquest mode and DICE created 8 maps that were specifically devoted to conquest mode. This was defidently a great act commited by DICE.
Burnout Paradise - Free updates that improve the graphics an add other features, and NEW BIKES. Need I say more?
Those are my high/low opinions on DLC, what are your thoughts?
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