First thing I'd change: I would pick this up fromBlockbuster for two weeks@ $8 instead ofpaying$60 for this crap.
Second: See First thing, only this time, make it the same for Halo 3.
Word. When I jumped into the canal in Damascus... and died, I thought "this is LAME!" Seriously. I almost wanted to put Oblivion in my Xbox just so I could remember what a good game was like.Fourth: Templars guarding... treasure chests full of NOTHING! Why? What's my incentive to kill them? Because it's one of the side quests? Neat. Do the flags and the Templars and the Harassed Citizens just seem like Crackdown to you? They do to me.
Fifth: Q: Why can't 20 Guards/knights/Saracens kill one assassin? A: Because this game is ****
Seriously though, why does counter-attacking and combo-killing get me through 95% of all the fights I ever get in? Why not make a world (like, say, the real world) where 10 men chasing someone who just killed their leader WOULD ACTUALLY CAPTURE OR KILL THE ASSASSIN? I know, I know, novel concept. Everyone knows from playing GTA that if you piss off the wrong people or kill a few police, sooner or later the FBI shows up. Assassin's Creed is different -- they send the retard patrol after you.
Sixth: These cities are boring. I can go inside like two buildings. The Assassin's Bureau is about as exciting as a public library, only it's less useful. Everyone says the same **** I have no posse. I have no belongings either -- no items, no skills, no money. If I want to dosomething petty, I can pickpocket a knife. Awesome.
Last: Where's the fun? Where's the mini-game on the side when you're tired of knifing people, or the cabinet full of odd weapons you've acquired from your prey? You can't swim, climb trees or rocks, so, what does an assassin do in his free time? If you're playing a completely scenario-oriented game like Metal Gear or Splinter Cell, then everyone is fine with the emphasis being COMPLETELY on the action. But if you're playing in the [allegedly] living, breathing world of Assassin's Creed (a place that bears a more-than-passing resemblance to Oblivion), then at least make the non-action times interesting.
This game ranks somewhere in between Perfect Dark Zero and Battlestations Midway for me. Maybe it's even as bad as Blazing Angels. I bought and sold all of those within a matter of weeks. I wonder what I can get for Assassin's Creed.
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