Assassin's Creed-best 360 game of the year?? i think it will blow prince of persia out of the water. because that is wat it seems like. its definately in my top 3 but bioshock or guitar hero II might beat it. What do u think??
Don't be mad as it just my honest opinion. I think it's silly to rate a game as game of the year material when next to nothing is actually known about it. That's the best way to get everyone in an uproar when the game that was supposed to be AAA comes out and it is a C-.
I'm hoping it comes out cool and from what little they have shown on it shows promise but it's an uphill battle from there. They're are just to many games that get hyped only to be a big letdown. Here's hoping.
there are a lot of good games coming out this year. assassins creed, bio shock, mass effect, halo 3, and many others that will be amazing. i dont think you can name one as of now...
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