What's with all the medic hate? ITSUSED FORSUPPORT PEOPLE.DEAL WITH IT. The medic is meant to sit behing cover next to a team mate (or two or ten) and feed them packs of health and revive them while gaining huge points in the process. If a medic decides to run around the map like an idiot and kill people, they are a ****,and should be using to assault class.The only good medic is a live medic, after all a dead medic can't revive himself, now can he?
Some tips:
Stay behind cover and look for high concentrations of allies, go to them, look for cover, get behind it, and heal and revive away.
The medic is amazing for defense, but lacks potency for offense (at least for me).
An LMG isn't exactly stealthy, so run from cover to cover.
Support allies, you get the same amount of points for a revive as a kill, andyou can get over 100 pts from healing a single guy.
DON'T, and i mean DON'T run around the map and revive ppl. You'll die yourself more times than not. most people don't get that people die for a reason, and the enemy is probably still around.
Fire in long, sustained bursts, it'll actually boost your accuracy, and try to avoid firing on the run for long range accuracy.
Thats all I got, plz send more tips, i'm open to criticism about these tips. Don't only send medic tips, send tips for other ****s too plz.
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