I just bought the limited edition 360 boundle with reach and so far i have to say i m dissapointed, the graphics arent on par with today standards, the gameplay is simple ( same old same old since the first halo ) not saying it aint fun but i expected more from this game since it was so praised by the gaming community. The online is a blast Tho.
This sort of talk is exactly why I made a topic about whether people weigh SP or MP higher when deciding whether a game is "good" or not.
You state that you are dissapointed with the game, yet then proceed to claim that multiplayer is a blast. The singleplayer on halo, while loved by many, isn't the main reason the game is so popular, so loved. Its all in the online features, which btw you claim are a blast. So why the dissapointment? If you were one of those people that didn't play online I'd understand.
And I see this happening ALL THE TIME. People claim the game is a flop, dissapointment, horrible, etc etc. And then in the same breath they're like "The matchmaking is cray good though." As if Halo MP were an afterthought.
So are people only supposed to play one or the other? Having great multiplayer isn't going to brainwash anyone into noticing the campaign was actually pretty mediocre.
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