sorry about the lame title. Anyways, the upcoming game Batman archam asylum looks like it will be one of the best batman games ever. Graphics are phenominal are the story looks quite intersesting. It is coming out in the next couple months but I have not heard any reviews or talk about this exciting game. did I miss something or is it too early. Anyways, give me your feedback on what you think about this game.
yea, seems like a great game but havent heard much about it considering it has the potential to be the best batman or even superhero game made, but same goes for ghostbusters, seems like a near ground breaking game yet havent heard much about it other then it being dropped and picked up again.
I have to admit, I am mildly excited for this game. I usually don't get hyped up for a game until I can see how it plays, but I trust the hardworking men and women at Rocksteady Studios to bring us a TRUE Batman game. I have high hopes, but it could be a flop. Good luck to all the developers at Rocksteady and at all other game developers.
I'am excited for this game it's based of the best Bamtan comic so it definetley has some potential and the detective/ Zelda ish gameplay sounds promising.
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