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j/k j/k
Gears. But prettiest, I think Oblivion.
From what I played in the store, it's pretty ugly :/
Gears still have the best graphics all around doe a console (crysis is the best looking game around)
COD 4 amazing graphics running at 60fps (almost impossible with all the detail and lighting)
mass effec - again using the unreal engine 3 just like gear (but frame rate is very unstable)
assasin creed - characters looks like a ps2 HD game (but the draw distances, animation and structure in city is amazing)
bioshock - it does look amazing but again character are really bad looking low polygon (it also use unreal engine 3)
Virtual fighting 5 - yes a fighting game and all resource is put into the 2 character and enviroment but this game really look CG in every way. (the character do look plastic, but so does CG animation. and it runs at a rock solid 60fps)
oblivion - is an ambisious game with gorgous draw distance and abundant enviroment, but this game was not made for a console. the 360 or ps3 cannot keep up with the game limited ram loading every minutes and unstable frame rate.
and the list go on. i have 96 games so i have played almost all games available.
i cannot believe people are mentioning halo 3. people cannot judge a game because of their cut scene or lighting. halo 3 apart form the lighting didn't look nothing special, a high res of halo 2. some level where very polish while other looked exactly like halo 2 running it on a pc and a higher res.
CoD 4 for realistic looking graphics (the level you are a sniper with the British dude, dammnn) and Bioshock for just looking awesome.MindFreezeI'd have to agree. With both. CoD4 is so amazing on an HD, and 'AllGhillied Up' was so crazy. That was intense. And you can actually see the place where it was setted on Google Earth. Even looking at it on there, it's really eerie.
i'd say its a tossup between mass effect and cod4...
mass effect - best character models, hands down
cod4 - good character models, but best environmental effects, consistantly smooth frame rate
i think gears, bioshock, halo 3 and maybe cod 4 deserve it. gears had amazing design and normal mapping. bioshock had amazing atmosphere, water and explosions. halo 3 had such a huge scale, nice art style and textures crammed in everywhere. I put halo3 because it has so much going on screen and theres no lag unless you do something stupid in forge. I put a maybe for cod4 cause cod4 is really scripted and the character models are across the board. some are spectacular to look at(ghillie suit) but most enemies look really bland. The game also hasa little lag whenever there are lots ofexplosions on screen(which is practically always). The lag doesn't hamper gameplay but its annoying sometimes.
j/k j/k
Gears. But prettiest, I think Oblivion.
From what I played in the store, it's pretty ugly :/
Oblivion is beautiful.
Best graphics =
-Eternal Sonata
-Bioshock/Mass Effect
gears, bioshock and mass effect use the same engine :P
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