Any sports game is good, Gears of War, Call of Duty 2 & 3, and the Halo games are all awesome multiplayer shooters.Those are my personal favorite multiplayer games.
You can get burnout revenge, gears of war, NBA 2K7, NBA Homecourt, Perfect dark zero, Graw 1and2. These are mst of the multiplayer game that i have and is fun offline and on for multiplayer.
A lot of people liked RB:6 V....didn't do it for me but i would try it because lots of people liked it....GRAW2 is amazing though if you like tactical games......but IMO there is nothing better than Gears for MP.
I'd have to say COD3 it has great mp and Sp and it's really fun to play with your friends, also GRAW 2 it has a great epic Sp (but it's kinda short) and a pretty awesome mp.
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