Absolutely! It was the last system to truly deliver at launch! 9-9-99 a day that will live in infamy!I still have not finished completing my collection yet but i do have 150 of the titles! The good oll days,when game play was first and graphics were 2nd. not like today where it's all about the graphics and if your lucky halfway decent game-play.theDCwas so much better looking then the ps1 it had allot of wow power in its day. unlike the ps2 which was more powerful yet didn't look as nice as theDC. Toobad sega ran out of money.:( and taboo to EA for not supporting the console cuz if they had it would have been a very different story.
haha omg i still have and play my dreamcast. I think the biggest downfall of the dreamcast was that the controller sucked.... i still loved it though.  i have over 50 games for it...   some of my favorites were outtriggergrandia 2skies of arcadiaIkarugaCapcom vs snk 2Marvel vs capcom 2Street fighter 3: 3rd strikequake 3 arenaEvil TwinÂ
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