This year has been terrific for XBLA!
My personal favorite has been Snoopy: Flying Ace (but a person with a 3-1 K/D ratio would say that)
Monday Night Combat looks to be a fun take on c-lass based TPS, Tango Down looks like a cool customizable futuristic take on the modern warfare formula, Limbo looks like the Braid of this year (with a great art direction), Puzzle Quest 2 needs no explanation, Castlevania looks to add new gameplay mechanics to the old formula, and games already released this year like PB Winterbottom are fanastic
Do you think this is the best year so far of XBLA games? I feel like i'm downloading a new one every week and with Tomb Raider, Monday Night Combat, Tango Down, Limbo, i think i'm going to keep downloading them
(my only gripe is a lot of these games are $15 and not $10. )
Combine that with awesome weekly sales on older XBLA titles, and i'm broke.
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