Well I just picked the GOTY edition of Oblivion for half price and Fallout 3 for half price. And I have to say, WOW. Im loving them. Ive played more Oblivion, and i love that. But the grphics in both are awesome, I recommend that anyone in the uk goes to GAME and get these 2 games. Anyways, what are your thought on them?
I loved both of them. They are both fun to play and highly addicting. Personally I liked Fallout 3 better, mainly because of the setting and me living near D.C. anyway.
I prefer Fallout 3 by a long way. I was disappointed with Oblivion, as Bethesda had taken a load of things that worked well in Morrowind, then screwed them up in Oblivion. Fortunately they learnt from the feedback, and didn't make the same mistakes with Fallout 3.
Glad you liked them and i don't blame you for wainting and picking them up for 1/2 price BUT i think everyone knows they are 2 of the best games for "NEXT GEN" CONSOLES.Best bang for you buck both games are long (Oblivion is almost endless with the add on's) outstanding graphics and perfect story lines.
I also own both of those Games. Best games ive purchashed for my 360, by FAR!!!!! I too, prefer Fallout 3 over Oblivion.But thats no knock against Oblivion. I'd just rather use guns n grenades, then swords and spells :p The only bad thing about Fallout 3, is.. Im pretty sure,with the main quest, and all the side-quests.Fallout is the shorter game :( But i could be wrong.. Regardless, still an amazing Game :)
Two of my favorite games. Love them both. Oblivion probably has the most hours spent on it of all my games. I don't know which I prefer yet as I haven't had Fallout 3 that long.
I prefer Oblivion. I would rather them just remake Oblivion with updated graphics and an expanded storyine/world than get Fallout 3. It's one of those "illusion of free will" games.
I liked Oblivion quite a bit better but both games are high quality games for sure. I won't say all the reasons why to avoid spoiling anything but mostly I liked exploring Oblivion's world a lot more, thought it was just more pleasant and fun to search around in than the bleak wasteland of Fallout 3.
I have yet to play Fallout 3, hopefully my buddy will let me borrow his. Oblivion was an amazing game, the only way they could make it better is to incorporate online into it somehow. I'd say Oblivion>Fallout, just at first glance.
yeah in my opinion, im liking oblivion more. But thats probably cos i have spent more time with it. and i just prefer swords to guns in and RPG. i like both alot though
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