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Which is better and why I say fallout new vegas... but only with A slight edge over Fallout 3 even though IMO it did have a much better story, the concept of New Vegas is just so much cooler to me you have the choice of taking over New Vegas by yourself or with another group and not to mention the tons of quests compare to that of Fallout 3 so ya ranted on too much.YLERTAY
Both games have pros and cons and it is hard to destinguish between them. More of the same to be honest. And i love it.
The scope of New Vegas is grander and I liked the perks better. I thought the special weapons in New Vegas weren't as good as the ones in Fallout 3.
There is no replacement for the feeling of clearing out the subways beneath DC, but the western theme is New Vegas is done really well.
I think New Vegas is the better game, but the two are similar and are both great games.
Fallout New Vegas is better in nearly every single possible way.....
New Vegas = Better story, Better dialogue, factions, better shooting, more roleplaying elements, more replay value, better atmosphere, more to do and also better DLC
Fallout3 = better radio stations
For me its not even close, New Vegas feels like the old fallout games to me, while F3 did not.
Own both games but in the end here is how I would rate them:
New Vegas = 9.5/10
Fallout3 = 6/10
I am sure many will dissagree but thats my honest opinion as a longtime fallout fan.
I agree with you about New Vegas feeling like the old Fallout games, but Fallout 3 is better than a 6/10.Fallout New Vegas is better in nearly every single possible way.....
New Vegas = Better story, Better dialogue, factions, better shooting, more roleplaying elements, more replay value, better atmosphere, more to do and also better DLC
Fallout3 = better radio stations
For me its not even close, New Vegas feels like the old fallout games to me, while F3 did not.
Own both games but in the end here is how I would rate them:
New Vegas = 9.5/10
Fallout3 = 6/10
I am sure many will dissagree but thats my honest opinion as a longtime fallout fan.
Fallout 3 has a better emotional context - you start off being born, you grow up in the Vault and then your dad leaves the Vault and you head out to find him and to find out why. Most tend to scoff at the whole daughter/son and father relationship part of the story, but I felt it was quite fitting considering the nature of the game and the setting.
When you consider that the human race in the Fallout series is struggling to survive and rebuild slowly, then the most important thing to some like the main character of Fallout 3 wouldn't be great wealth or more material goods, but their only surviving parent. I liked that and it made a change from the usual 'big manly man go out and CRUSH, KILL, DESTROY!' thing that most games do.
New Vegas is a little more linear and is more focused on a revenge plot, something that's been done in games a lot. The story doesn't much of an emotional context in regards of the connection that players might develop with their character in Fallout 3, but the story builds up slowly near the end of the game.
However since New Vegas is still very broken then it's hard to progress in the game without it crashing a lot, I really hope the game will get completely fixed since there is no excuse for releasing such broken games. Although New vegas isn't too bad when it is working, which is rare.
Both have their good and bad points. I prefer Fallout 3 for the more emotional context since I prefer that more than just a direct revenge story, but I like New Vegas in a few areas.
Well that wouldn't make much sense because Vegas is the better Fallout game.Vegas should of been released as D.L.C
[QUOTE="00-Riddick-00"]Fallout 3 - 9.5/10 Fallout New Vegas - 8.0/10NintendoGamer3This sums up my feeling also. I agree too. I'm a little peeved that the DLC for Fallout 3 was required to learn the "real ending".
[QUOTE="NintendoGamer3"][QUOTE="00-Riddick-00"]Fallout 3 - 9.5/10 Fallout New Vegas - 8.0/10CodingGeniusThis sums up my feeling also. I agree too. I'm a little peeved that the DLC for Fallout 3 was required to learn the "real ending".
I still believe this wasn't planned. I think they realized that the original ending was garbage so they fixed it with DLC.
They are both great games, but I enjoyed New Vegas so soo much more.
I've nearly beaten it with every ending (working on the last one currently), and I've loved every second of it. While with Fallout 3, I played through it once and absolutely loved it. But it just was not a game I wanted to play again. New Vegas just had something much more appealing about it. The setting, the characters, the story, the factions, even the missions were all just more fun and engrossing. But that's just what I think, the game really drew me in.
I liked Fallout 3 better. I found rummaging through a destroyed D.C. area more entertaining than Vegas.RoslindaleOne
[QUOTE="DecadesOfGaming"]Well that wouldn't make much sense because Vegas is the better Fallout game.Vegas should of been released as D.L.C
Falout 3 was a great game, I knocked up over 300 hours on my first play through, but Bethesta should of waited and learnt from their mistakes concerning bugs, patches ect when releasingVegas.. Personally I think this title should of been released as 'improved gameplay' D.L.C for Fallout 3.. Either that, or Bethesda should of create a bug free new engine that required no patches ect.. but that's just my opinion.
[QUOTE="kozzy1234"]I agree with you about New Vegas feeling like the old Fallout games, but Fallout 3 is better than a 6/10.Fallout New Vegas is better in nearly every single possible way.....
New Vegas = Better story, Better dialogue, factions, better shooting, more roleplaying elements, more replay value, better atmosphere, more to do and also better DLC
Fallout3 = better radio stations
For me its not even close, New Vegas feels like the old fallout games to me, while F3 did not.
Own both games but in the end here is how I would rate them:
New Vegas = 9.5/10
Fallout3 = 6/10
I am sure many will dissagree but thats my honest opinion as a longtime fallout fan.
Its just my honest opinion, I dont expect everyoen to agree with it, its just the way I feel personally. I own both games have plaeyd 100+ hours on each one and I just had much more fun in New Vegas (I am on my 5th playthrough now of New Vegas, while I was bored on my 2nd playthrough on fallout3, had to force myself to do it).
I've thought about this before, but it is very hard to pick one. I would probably have to go with Fallout 3 though. New Vegas, while including more quests, factions, characters, etc., just didn't have that "it" factor for me. It probably didn't help that it felt more like a huge expansion for Fallout 3. The factions also tended to get annoying sometimes, because I felt like I was limited in what I could do depending on who I wanted to be "praised" by. The atmosphere and setting of what was basically a "desert" didn't feel as exciting and awe-inspiring as the ruins of DC. Starting out in a vault and having a whole backstory to your character was also pretty cool. In New Vegas, you're just some random guy who survived a shot to the head, and look for your would be killers.
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