I currently play my xbox360 on a cheap olevia 27" tv that can really only do 720p, the 1080i looks terrible for some reason. I was wondering if I would get higher (better) resolution by using a VGA cable with my 22" Diamondtron CRT monitor that I have on my pc. Even if I would achieve a better picture, would the colors take a hit? I heard that sometimes color is less vibrant through VGA. Any advice is appreciated.
Playing on a computer monitor is better because the refresh rate is higher. I know some of the colors are "faded" but i only found out that its only on GoW. Otherwise anything else i played was fine. Oh and im playing on a 17' LCD with 1280 by 1024 resolution.
Why would you wanna use 1080i on a LCD anyways? Plus almost every game is rendered in 720p. But yeah try out the CRT monitor and see if it helps and if the colors look faded you can always tweak them.
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