I have been playing the demo for over a week now and I am very impressed. For me personally, I have played CoD 4 so much that Im at the point of going back to Halo 3 just for something new to play. After a weeks worth of play with the BfBc demo, here are my Pros and Cons...
Vehicle are a blast to drive and are very much apart of the strategy used in the game
Large maps are a welcome change from the smaller type maps found in CoD 4
Graphics are very good Imo!! Guns, vehicles and terrain look as good as CoD 4
Blowing evrything up is a nice touch. How many time in CoD 4 have you wished you could take out a wall and smoke the sniper who has whacked you 4 times in a row???
Sound...I actually think this game sounds more realistic than CoD 4.
Where are the gun attachments? No ACOG or Red Dot for my M16??
No prone stance?? HUH??
4 rockets cant take a tank down???
Grenande launcher is useless on troops. I cant tell you how many times are shot a grenade at some dudes feet and it didnt do a thing to him!!!
What gives with the Haloesque having to empty a clip and a half to kill someone GENERALLY!!! I mean I get it in Halo with the whole energy shild thing, but this is supposed to be real world?
Too easy to spawn kill
Remaining questions for me???
1. What game types are there? There better be regualr Team DM, CTF or something. I like the Attack and Defend game the demo has, but there has to be more!
2. What happens at level cap? Can you start over like in CoD 4 or are you just Lvl 25 and done?
For me right now, I'd say overall I personally will have alot of fun with BfBc if for nothing else because it is something fresh and will give me a break from CoD 4. Now will it have the longevity of CoD 4? That remains to be seen!!
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