No, you spawn on your squad mates in BF3. One person from your squad camps and the rest of the squad just keeps respawning on him close to the objective and overwelming the other team. Also, good for you, you consider yourself a "hardcore game" and played professionally and competitively on both games, that just means you have no life, and your probably not even any good at the thing you've been wasting your life on because I've never heard of you......so you should probably find a new hobby. I've probably been playing games since before you where born so I dont go by the new age "hipster" talk of "core" and "casual" I play all types of video games because I enjoy them and like to have fun, not because I'm trying to become famous for playing a video game like you. And yes random spawns are better because like I said, you have to be constanatly awair of your surroundings. It takes more skill to defend from all angles versus knowing where your enemy is coming from.
Whats your point? That person you are spawning on can be killed. Not only that, its equal for both teams.So because I make money playing video games, and you don't, that means I have no life? I'd think it would be the opposite.
Your attempt at a childish insult suggests you are not as old as you say you are.
Yea, I'm probably not any good, thats why I was on the 3rd best team in the world, and I'am known as one of the best infantry players in the world.
Its not common for people to have heard of professional gamers.
I've been playing games since before you were born.
Just because you are not familiar with terminology doesn't mean anything about how old you are, or how old I'am.
There are different types of audiences. You are part of the casual audience. I mean CoD is marketed towards a younger, more casual crowd, its extremely unlikely you are as old as you say you are.
I love it when people say that. I play games for fun, no other reason. I just get picked up by the best teams in the world because of how good I'am.
There is random spawning BF3, its called TDM. You have to be aware of your surrounds no matter what.
The fact that you don't know how to spell a simple word like "aware" also suggests you are not as old as you say you are.
If you play S&D in call of duty, then you know where your enemy is coming from, that fact alone makes your entire argument invalid.
You don't always know where your enemy is coming from in BF3, BF3 is so popular because of the amount of flanks, and different paths in every level.
You make a pretty terrible argument.
and i love when little kids like you think your some sort of superior elitist when because you prefer a certain game. Just stop kidding yourself and trying to sound like somebody to people on the internet, you've never made money playing games and your sure as hell not part of the 3rd best team in the world. If you where, you wouldnt be on here 24/7 posting about minecraft. Also, just the fact that you say there is no such thing as artificial lag tells me you are not part of any professional team let alone the 3rd best at any game.
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