Originally posted this in the BFBC2 forum, and got about 6 people so I figured I'd make a last stitch effort on the 360 forum.
At 7:00 ET (3 hrs) I'm going to put together a game on BFBC2 for people to try to get the BFBC2 achievement "Et Tu, Brute?" which is knifing 5 friends. If you're interested, post your GT below and be online at 7:00 ET. I have room for 17 more people, so if you're outside of the first 17 posts, sorry. I will add you to my friend list, create the game, and invite you. Then I'll give you time to add everyone in the lobby to your friend's list. We'll play Conquest obviously without the goal of winning for either side.
Lastly, some people have mentioned trying to get the Destruction 2.0 Achieve. I'm down for that, but just not tonight. That one will take a while for everyone in the game to get. BUT if you do help everyone with the Et Tu Brute achieve, I will start a game later in the week to try to get the Destruction 2.0 achieve.
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