Rainbow Six Vegas, Oblivion, The Orange Box. Rainbow Six Vegas just looked a bit outdated, not much has changed since the days of Splinter Cell on Xbox Original. And me getting the game after over a year it's been out didnt help. I think I was burned out by playing so many Shooters. I bought it, played for about 2 hours, and now, I'm selling it on Ebay. Same thing for Orange Box although I like Team Fortress a bit; I just didnt think it was a solid multiplayer, because it was more about running around blowing each other up mayhem. Sure, you have the cool engineer that can set up Turrets, but that was about the coolest feature - multiple classes were a plus. Oblivion, what can I say? Very very outdated, there wasnt a combat system, the magic graphics looked so sad. I mean come on, this is next gen. I guess I cant blame them, because it was a port from a PC, and PC graphics usually look outdated with the exception of Crysis. I know someone is going to disagree with this and respond, but just to let you know, I'm very particular with my games, and I couldnt get into these games. They were just not my cup of tea. I tried to enjoy them, I really did! The Orange Box even made me noxious but I still tried to play, but couldnt.
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