Killstreak awards at 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7 ,9, and 11.
Care Package Killstreak award - Random care package drop. You get a random killstreak perk. Could be an AC-130 or UAV.
Callsign Editor - Customize your title, rank emblem, and so on. Lots to choose from (7 pages of 25 items on each page)
Sleight of Hand, Stopping Power are returning perks.
Commando Perk - increased melee distance.
Hardline Perk - Killstreaks take one less kill.
Scavenger Perk - Fully resupply yourself from dead players.
Bling Perk - 2 primary weapon attachments.
Copycat Perk - this is a Deathstreak perk. Die four times in a row, and you can steal your opponent's ****through the kill cam.
Painkiller Perk - unsure if this is a Deathstreak/Killstreak perk. Big health boost once you spawn.
You're allowed 2 flash/stun grenades as default, instead of 1.
Confirmed Killstreak awards - UAV, Care Package, Counter UAV, Sentry Gun, Predator Missile, Precision Airstrike, Attack Helicopter, Pave Low (shockemshaun says this is a chopper used for spec op missions and rescue missions for undetected penetration into enemy territory, and is unsure what it will due in the game), and the AC-130
Shotguns can be silenced
You cannot shoot while using the riot shield, it is slow to swap to and from it, and it obscures the bottom quarter of your screen.
New - Deathstreaks - See Copycat (above)
Party Support - Members in your XBL party will be recognized in game with blue names above their player.
New Game Type - Demolition - No info
Lightweight and Marathon Perks - No info
Dual wielding SMG's confirmed, so Akimbo isn't limited to pistols.
New Equipment - Tactical Insertion - Choose where to respawn on the map.
Secondary Weapon can be a machine pistol/grenade launcher/handgun/or shotgun? (unable to read)
Awards post-game (such as those in Halo, like Sticky kills, Headshots, Running Riots, etc.) - Those shown were Pathfinder :Most UAV's: Sprayer :Most hipfire kills: Vengeful :Most paybacks:
Ground War Game Type returns.
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