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Fallout 3I can only talk about 3 of them, Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: the campaign is too short and almost every enemy is and does the same Gears of War 2: the Matchmaking and the horrible multiplayer glitches Grand Theft Auto IV: realism is not that good sometimes follow a car in traffic is way to boring
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Gears Of War 2
Street Fighter IV
Grand Theft Auto IVSparrxxZ
Fallout 3: Resembles Oblivion to much, Leveling system with really low cap, Not epic enough, cannot augment guns...
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: One man army feel, Friendly AI dumb, enemy spawn triggers, Campaign has no story in particular, US and England are the only nations fighting terrorists in the world, Gimicy online, gun's to accurate
Gears Of War 2: Broken online, poor script for voice actors, not epic enough engagements with enemies (No true 100 locust confrenations), tank part is horrible
Grand Theft Auto IV: Too Easy, Still to Unrealistic, Not orginal, repetative, no good qualities brought in from last one, street racing was lame, No gun augmentation, predictable story, 2 endings are basically the same, cover system is broken, Only real orginal character was brucie, frame rate and lag when encountering heavy traffic. Online to open.
COD4 and GTAIV i think are the worst offenders, campaign wise.
I can only comment on the ones I've played thus far.
Cod: Easy single player, rather boring and almost like your hoping that the next battle is your last.
Gears: Horrible online, left more questions than anwsers, no real difficult part in campaign.
GTA: Repetative, easy to beat
Fallout 3
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Gears Of War 2
Street Fighter IV
Grand Theft Auto IVSparrxxZ
Gears 2: Pure genius, except for the centaur tank on the ice lake stage--that part was just silly, frustrating, and unnecessary.
COD4: Pure genius--nothing at all wrong with it.
GTA IV: Pure genius--except it's TOO LONG. How many missions of the same type do I have to do? Plus, having to go on dates with your friends just to keep them happy gets really annoying after awhile.
I don't have the other games. Fallout 3 is not really my kind of game because I didn't like Oblivion.
As for Gears 2, have you made it to the last level? Or the second chapter in the first act? I thought it was the most epic game ever made...Fallout 3: Resembles Oblivion to much, Leveling system with really low cap, Not epic enough, cannot augment guns...
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: One man army feel, Friendly AI dumb, enemy spawn triggers, Campaign has no story in particular, US and England are the only nations fighting terrorists in the world, Gimicy online, gun's to accurate
Gears Of War 2: Broken online, poor script for voice actors, not epic enough engagements with enemies (No true 100 locust confrenations), tank part is horrible
Grand Theft Auto IV: Too Easy, Still to Unrealistic, Not orginal, repetative, no good qualities brought in from last one, street racing was lame, No gun augmentation, predictable story, 2 endings are basically the same, cover system is broken, Only real orginal character was brucie, frame rate and lag when encountering heavy traffic. Online to open.
COD4 and GTAIV i think are the worst offenders, campaign wise.
[QUOTE="Un4givingAsault"]As for Gears 2, have you made it to the last level? Or the second chapter in the first act? I thought it was the most epic game ever made...Fallout 3: Resembles Oblivion to much, Leveling system with really low cap, Not epic enough, cannot augment guns...
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: One man army feel, Friendly AI dumb, enemy spawn triggers, Campaign has no story in particular, US and England are the only nations fighting terrorists in the world, Gimicy online, gun's to accurate
Gears Of War 2: Broken online, poor script for voice actors, not epic enough engagements with enemies (No true 100 locust confrenations), tank part is horrible
Grand Theft Auto IV: Too Easy, Still to Unrealistic, Not orginal, repetative, no good qualities brought in from last one, street racing was lame, No gun augmentation, predictable story, 2 endings are basically the same, cover system is broken, Only real orginal character was brucie, frame rate and lag when encountering heavy traffic. Online to open.
COD4 and GTAIV i think are the worst offenders, campaign wise.
Fallout 3fallout 3 doesnt have many flaws to be honest. the only thing i will say is that repairing is annoying, i loved it in oblivion, but in fallout if u dont find another gun the exact same to the one you were using, u have to pay an exorbidant amount of caps to get it repaired to 50%, i mainly have this problem with armour CoD 4, AIs grenade throwing ability is complete BS Gears 2, the terrible lag online, and the fact that its impossible to play if u dont have an excellent connection SF4, cant comment cause i havent played, but ive heared with the new patch the difficulty of seth is a little unfair GTA IV, every car feels like a truck, u pretty much have to stop to turn
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Gears Of War 2
Street Fighter IV
Grand Theft Auto IVSparrxxZ
Fallout 3
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Gears Of War 2
Street Fighter IV
Grand Theft Auto IVSparrxxZ
fallout 3, hardly any quests to do
cod4, short campign, and uless ai
gears 2, not played it much but if its like the first muiltiplayer is hard to get into
street fighter 4, to hard for newcomers
gta4, bad gameplay, controls and muiltiplayer is broken
all great games, but this is what i can think of
[QUOTE="SparrxxZ"]Fallout 3
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Gears Of War 2
Street Fighter IV
Grand Theft Auto IVjackelzx
fallout 3, hardly any quests to do
gears 2, not played it much but if its like the first muiltiplayer is hard to get into
street fighter 4, to hard for newcomers
gta4, bad gameplay, controls and muiltiplayer is broken
\ fallout 3 doesnt have as many quests as oblivion, but i definately think they take twice as long. u ever tried completing the wasteland survival guide in one sitting?[QUOTE="jackelzx"][QUOTE="SparrxxZ"]Fallout 3
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Gears Of War 2
Street Fighter IV
Grand Theft Auto IVchaoscougar1
fallout 3, hardly any quests to do
gears 2, not played it much but if its like the first muiltiplayer is hard to get into
street fighter 4, to hard for newcomers
gta4, bad gameplay, controls and muiltiplayer is broken
fallout 3 doesnt have as many quests as oblivion, but i definately think they take twice as long. u ever tried completing the wasteland survival guide in one sitting?well that one and the nuka cola quest are long but the rest are not as long and easy to complete.
[QUOTE="chaoscougar1"][QUOTE="jackelzx"]fallout 3 doesnt have as many quests as oblivion, but i definately think they take twice as long. u ever tried completing the wasteland survival guide in one sitting?fallout 3, hardly any quests to do
gears 2, not played it much but if its like the first muiltiplayer is hard to get into
street fighter 4, to hard for newcomers
gta4, bad gameplay, controls and muiltiplayer is broken
well that one and the nuka cola quest are long but the rest are not as long and easy to complete.
'those' was short? 'blood ties' was short? since when?fallout 3- just like oblivion, level is a bit short. it seems kind of boring to do. cod4- the story isn't really there. ur jumping from one side to another with no big story. u say hey, i want to play as US now. a bit easy, just short single player. street fighter 4- i don't have this game or played it but i do think it is just another button masher.gta 4- a bit weird, repetive single player, there some online play in the game. iam2green
Street Fighter a button masher?... there's always been a lot of strategy involved in SF games...
Fallout 3
Grand Theft Auto IVSparrxxZ
I'm only going to comment on these two, as the others, people have already posted the same opinion I have.
Fallout 3 - I would have liked this to be a bit more open ended in character creation. It seemed to me as that the most important skill in the game was the ability to kill. The game was very combat heavy. Which was good for me personally, as well, i'm lazy. I tend to find the easiest way to get past an enemy is to blow its head clean off - however, I am sure that there are alot of players out there that would liked to have build a stealthy character or a diplomatic character.
GTA's biggest issue was the stupid friendship thing. As much as this did introduce brucie to the game - my personal favourite character in the game....possibly ever, the who taking your mates out to go bowling was a real pain.
[QUOTE="SparrxxZ"]Fallout 3
Grand Theft Auto IVangryfodder
I'm only going to comment on these two, as the others, people have already posted the same opinion I have.
Fallout 3 - I would have liked this to be a bit more open ended in character creation. It seemed to me as that the most important skill in the game was the ability to kill. The game was very combat heavy. Which was good for me personally, as well, i'm lazy. I tend to find the easiest way to get past an enemy is to blow its head clean off - however, I am sure that there are alot of players out there that would liked to have build a stealthy character or a diplomatic character.
GTA's biggest issue was the stupid friendship thing. As much as this did introduce brucie to the game - my personal favourite character in the game....possibly ever, the who taking your mates out to go bowling was a real pain.
yeh, fallout 3 really doesnt cater for the stealthy char, sure they can work in some situations, but having to run through a tunnel or building full of super mutants doesnt allow for much stealthPlease Log In to post.
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