Why a Rent or Why a Buy, I know that its a great game and all that but...im still not sure if its a Great Rental Game or a Great Buy Game , share comments
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Why a Rent or Why a Buy, I know that its a great game and all that but...im still not sure if its a Great Rental Game or a Great Buy Game , share comments
I would rent it. the game was freaking awsome but has no replay value once you beat it (just my opinion tho):)
Why a Rent or Why a Buy, I know that its a great game and all that but...im still not sure if its a Great Rental Game or a Great Buy Game , share comments
I went through the game 3x throughout the two week span I rented it. I got all the achievements but if you really pay attention through the story you'll enjoy it better. So if you'll play it again its a buy but if you only want one run through then rent.
I'm going to go against the usual answer here and say buy.
BioShock is a masterpiece, and when you take your time and search every room, seek out every Big Daddy and Little Sister, search for all Plasmids, etc, the game isn't nearly as short as many people say it is. Not only that, but I find the experience very satisfying, especially when you take your time and take it all in. It's also worth playing the game a second time, this time dealing with the Little Sisters differently then you did the first time. You can rush through any game and make it short, but I don't play that way. I take my time and enjoy it at my own pace.
Many people don't think a game is worth owning if it has no multiplayer, or if they don't pick it up again the second they beat it, but I'm not like that. If I enjoy a game that much, I happily keep it in my library because I will want to pick it up at some point down the road to experience it again. Funny, because the times I've missed having a great game in my library is after I already sold it.:P
To me, replay value isn't just online multiplayer, but rather based on how much I like the game, ie, the want to play it again down the road. Just because I beat a game doesn't mean that I'm done with it, so I don't look at things that way. Of course some games aren't worth playing again and again so I probably wouldn't keep them in my library, but sometimes you get an incredible game that may lay untouched for a few weeks/months, but I'll play it again, and BioShock is one of those games.
If you can't afford to keep games in your library that you aren't playing this very second, then maybe you should look into buying it used, or just renting it, but if this isn't really the case, then I say buy it. It's an incredible game that you very well may look into picking back up later on at some random time, just to experience it again.
Good luck.:)
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