Borderlands 2 isn't yet in the works.
In terms of rare weapons, I am pretty sure that certain types of weapons don't drop more commonly in specific places. Well, to an extend. Red weapon chests are simply affected by level, different ones don't have higher chances to drop different loot.
Mostly, go for the Silver, and even better, Red, weapons chests. There are a few skag/dung piles that have better loot drops (right by the middle of nowhere and in the Entrance to Earl's Scrapyard nearly always drop a Grenade or Class Mod, if you want I can explain in detail where they are).
New Haven used to be THE PLACE for loot, with 3 silver and 2 red chests in town. However, they nerfed it. If you're finishing the first or second playthrough, look up how to farm Crimson fastness, it's easy to farm 5-6 red chests in a few minutes. You can look it up if you want. That's best if your level 50, farming the top gear in the main game.
If you bought General Knoxx DLC, i can't help you much, because I have the DLC, but I spent more time getting gear before the DLC, havnt done much after (no scaling for the main game and no fast travel for the DLC kills the lategame)
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