Well guys, let's face it, times are hard....
$60-$70 for new games is hard to justify these days...
I'm curious what you guys are doing to balance your gaming needs in this recession...Are your spending habits changing? You want to recommend any games that are dirt cheap now that are worth picking up and worth their price tag?
If your gaming/spending habits haven't changed, let me know that as well....
But for me:
I used to buy games I was looking forward to on their release date, now I wait several months til their prices drop and read as many reviews as I can to make sure the game is worth my money.
Most of the games I buy now are used and several months or years old. For example, today I went to Gamestop and picked up Madden 06 for $3 (achievements only), TNMT for $15 and Alone in the Dark for $17.
In the past, I would have probably walked into the store and drop $65 for some new game that got a 5 or 6 outa 10 rating, but these days I can't justify it.
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