Ive been trolling bestbuy's website and saw Kameo: Elements of Power drop 15 bucks to 14.99. Cheap games to me are a gamble, i read up on this game and it seems alright but i hear its the first 360 game made. How does it stand up to todays standard, im not really into the COD4 stuff wartime realistic to the bone games im more of a halo guy, imagination stuff thats not real.
Is this game worth picking up because if i rent it thats almost the same price and thats how i usually pick. If anyone has recetly played or bought this game is it a fun time and how long does it last and is their replay value, even if itsa just for achivements or is it more like work playing it more than once
Also, are there any oldergames i could pick up and enjoy since i only got the box this christmas
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