Hey, recently just got my copy of Call of Duty 4 for the PC (originally had 360, but it RROD'd :( ). I was wondering if anyone here had the time to map out the controls for the CoD4 for 360 (I forgot most) so that I can load them into the Controller emulator (xpadder dot com) and feel the same on the PC.
Thanks in advanced :)
Thumbsticks, the usual, A = Left, S = Down, D = Right, W = up. Press in = C = Crouch.
D-pad. Left = N, Nightvision. Right = 6 (Airstrike, radar, etc.) And im sure what i put 4 for...
For the Buttons. A = Space, Jump. X = R, Reload. B = Z, Prone. Y = F, Use.
Triggers. L = Right click, Aim. R = Left click, Fire. LB = Shift, Sprint. RB = G, Grenade.
Second Tumbstick, its Vertical, so i set it up Flipped. Press in = V, Knife.
Start = ESC. Select = TAB (Score)
Let me know if anythings wrong and i can change it, thanks :D
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