Between Last year's Halo Reach; and this year's Battlefield 3, Gears of War 3, Elder Scrolls IV, and Brink, I am set for the next 10 years or so. I don't need Call of Duty.
Everyone I know that REALLY plays games are really getting tired of the "cod" formula and I 100% agree. I still play HC in Call of Duty 4 from time to time, but as far I was concerned, the entire success of the series is riding off the only 2 good games: 2 and 4.
Every year people say "I hope it will be as good as 4." I have a great idea... why don't you go get 4 for about $10, then you can forget about Call of Duty and Activision and let them both die in a hole like they deserve.
If it wasn't for Call of Duty, EA would dominate Activision and Kotick wouldn't have an ego the size of Canada and an **** the size of Kentucky. (cause face it he has to stick his foot up it all the time)
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