i would actually like to know the answer to this also,
the game is getting pretty cheap now so if i could play it split screen with my flatmate it might be worth getting despite the poor reviews it received......
EDIT: so a quick search on google has confirmed the game does have split-screen, but a lot of talk about the split-screen being pretty terrible....
its 2 player split screen or 4 player co-op online but if u got a t.v under 42" its not even worth playing split screen. i play on 80" screen split screen and i still dont like how it looks
its 2 player split screen or 4 player co-op online but if u got a t.v under 42" its not even worth playing split screen. i play on 80" screen split screen and i still dont like how it looksgundaicut
i agree with him. only play with a big tv, otherwise youll get a headache playing it.
[QUOTE="gundaicut"]its 2 player split screen or 4 player co-op online but if u got a t.v under 42" its not even worth playing split screen. i play on 80" screen split screen and i still dont like how it looksgiantqtipz
i agree with him. only play with a big tv, otherwise youll get a headache playing it.
does it really cut it all the way down to just a quarter screen each with the rest being taken up by a map, if so thats ridiculous
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