he was prolly one of the annoying kids on cod4 this is why i say they should really enforce the whole 17+ policy with M rated games but adults just buy them for their kids anyways
Sounds like part of the story is missing. A dispute over COD4 is not enough for someone to leave home. I'm sure there is something not being said. Until you know the whole story, don't judge the kid. Ya never know if he was being abused or anything like that.
Sounds like part of the story is missing. A dispute over COD4 is not enough for someone to leave home. I'm sure there is something not being said. Until you know the whole story, don't judge the kid. Ya never know if he was being abused or anything like that.
I seriously doubt that an xbox 360 is the primary culprit, its just the cretinous media again trying to blame video games as the source of all social and criminal problems.
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