I got COD4, and I just tried to install it to hdd, and it says the disk is scratched. But I can run and play the game just fine. And there are no scratches on it...
You need touth paste toilet papper, witch you can find in your bathroom. Put some on your disk no to much just a little, then push with the papper from in to out, never in circles, that wil scruw your cd....
I ve done it before, its safe, if you dont beleive trie it with an old cd..... But you shoulnt have problems with installing, if it dosent work, just dont install it, if you are only playing online it dosent worth it, you will be using 6gb space on your HDD and thats all you will get by installing it.
i'm curious cuz there are absolutely no scratches on it. i checked a few times just now. i played the game again. online and everything works fine. is it really a scratch issue? if so, i can get it replaced at gamestop
talked to the guy at gamestop. turns out they've been having issues with the xbox saying the disk is dirty or scratched when trying to copy to hdd. clearing the cache will fix this problem. just did it, and i can copy it now. sweet
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