I'm going to go with COD4. I felt that the single player campaign was absolutely brilliant. It blew me away. Don't let the shortness of it cloud your vision when it comes to deciding what game to choose. Although short, I feel that COD4 can be played through many times whereas after one playthrough of WaW's campaign I have no desire to play it again.
Then theres the multiplayer. The multiplayer on both games is fantastic. Both games are excellent in terms of online gaming, however I can't shake the feeling that I'm playing COD4 with different guns when I'm playing WaW. They feel and look very similar. I think its very lazy on Treyarch's behalf to not even rename the perks they took from COD4. Also with the online, I believe that COD4 has more maps and a better variety. For example, on WaW some of the maps are very similar (Upheaval and Outskirts anyone?).
However, Treyarch did add some new things to multiplayer which are great. First we have the ability to play the whole campaign co-operatively. This works very well and with a good connection lag isn't really noticeable. The second new addition is Nazi Zombies mode. Although very simple, this mode is very effective. When playing with three other players it becomes really entertaining and intense. Its a great experience.
Oh and before I forget, I must add that WaW does have a region filter, which makes getting lag-free games a breeze.
In conclusion, although WaW is a great game I feel its trying to be something its not, COD4. If they had put a little bit more time and thought into the maps and perks than I feel it could have really beaten out COD4 in terms of multiplayer. The single player however, is undoubtedly better on COD4.
Please keep in mind, this is all my opinion and may not reflect yours. If I were you I'd rent both out and give them both a try before deciding.
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