People complained about tanks in COD:WaW, and Dogs. What about this?
3 streak -> UAV (just like it used to be)
6 streak -> Air Strike (yup, just like that but + 1 kill)
9 streak -> an AI controlled Tank/Helicopter, the vehicle could change. I mean, in some maps you'd get the Heli, in others, the Tank.
But here's the catch. You can only get the + streak with kills YOU did. For example, with an air strike, you could instantly get 2 kills and summon a helicopter, now the kills you get in the air strike, will go to your kill count, but to get the next kill streak reward, you'd have to kill 3 guys yourself.
Another catch would be a change in the last kill streak. Each team could summon their helicopters/dogs only once at a time in COD4 and WaW. But now they can be summoned at the same time, in a sort of cancelling each other. I'll explain better.
Let's say your helicopter stays 1 minute in the air raping your enemies, then leaves ok?
You called your Helicopter, but after 30 seconds, the enemy calls his. Both helicopters will stay in the air "fighting" each other, after 30 more seconds yours will leave, and the enemy's will keep for another 30 seconds. It's fair, both stayed in the air for the exact same time. BUT, while they focus on fighting each other, you can help YOUR heli destroy the enemy's, so you can enjoy a couple more seconds of your heli before it leaves.
The same could be for tanks, dogs or whatever.
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