Modern Warfare 2 seems to be mostly about taking what they had in CoD4 and expanding on it, which isn't a bad thing. But I'm not really digging it. I didn't really like where they took the series multiplayer wise with the ability to shoot through walls, kill streak bonuses and the whole unlocking weapons stuff. I liked having everything from the start like with CoD1 and 2. And I was very, very disappointed when I learned that Modern Warfare 2 would not include campaign co-op and their new co-op mode would only support 2-player. A step backward from World at War. I do however think it's cool they're adding multiplayer medals(or what ever they call them there).
With ODST I'm glad their changing up the gameplay, changing the perspective and completing over hauling the way the campaign works. I also have some what mixed feelings on it. It's nice to see their trying to make things more challenging but taking away dual wielding, deployable equipment and vehicle jacking almost feels like they're taking steps backward. I'll just have to wait and see how it feels. It's no big deal either I guess, I don't dual wield much.
I'm really looking forward to ODST's Fire Fight mode, I loved Gears 2's Horde mode and I was really happy when Bungie revealed they'd be implementing something similar. Seeing all the similarities that ODST has with Halo: Combat Evolved I kinda wish Bungie had given ODST it's own multiplayer. Halo needs fall damage in back multiplayer....
So yeah. Halo 3 ODST is pretty much just an expansion. Half it's content(the competitive multiplayer) is from Halo 3, so Modern Warfare 2 will likely be the better game. But ODST is a game that appeals more to me and I will likely enjoy it more. As for which will be more successful - again - ODST is little more than an expansion and I'm not seeing even half the amount of marketing effort being put into it than what went down with Halo 3. Modern Warfare 2 on the other is going all the way. It'll likely be more successful, not only because it's a full new game but also because it's on two more platforms than ODST. But both will sell like mad. Both will probably be good games.
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