Yah you just named all the games i am getting this year ihave COD 4 preordered and i allready have the orange box (which is one kick ass game) and i will be getting mass effect when it comes out.
Yeah same. But I just got the RROD three days ago....hurray! Now I have to wait like a month to play orange box again. lol, by the time I get my 360 back, I'm going to have all games (I preordered them all)+ Army of two....but I forgot when that games comes out.
All of those games are great but i would recommend OrangeBox if u played Half-Life on XBOX or PC! Half-Life2 best FPS ever made with a unique and exciting story & puzzles! Portal itsalways funny to test ur wits :). and if that dosent convince u Team Fortress 2 Class based Multiplayer! and a tottal of 99 Ahicvements to test ur self.Five great games. One Price can u beat that really? i just finished HL2 EP.2 Today and best game iv'e played in a loooong time
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