Ok so after being disappointed that Gears of War 2 didn't explain much of the story I had an epiphany at work this morning. While bouncing ideas off one of my co-workers I came up with an idea as to what is going on in the Gears of War universe.
First the grand theory. Man is all powerful he builds cities controls the world and imulsion. Man fights himself primarily over imulsion. Man however gets sick if he gets too close to imulsion (Or irradiated whatever you want to call it). Man creates race of super imulsion miners that are more resistant, AKA the locust. Locust build cities underground and happily mine imulsion. Locust keep digging further down. Locust that have gone the furthest down become warped (AKA Lambent) maybe they discover some other power deep in the center of the earth. Lambent locust turn on the normal locust and say "screw you guys we are taking over". Normal locust say "Screw you humanity we aint dieing down here for you, we're coming up to the surface to take over and drown the lambent". Lucust come up during E-Day kick humanities ass. Gears of war 1 starts.
Now to support my theory. First things first the games have made many hints that it's all about imulsion, this was hinted in gears 1 then it took a huge step forward in gears 2 when the collectable messages emphasized how important imulsion was, how the prices were raised during the war and one even hinted of a conspiracy theory for it (Kind of like our own world and oil). Also it was also pretty clear that the locust were man made, again this was reinforced with the lab level that was mysteriously "Declassified" and it's also pretty clear that Marcus's father was probably on the project as quoted by the locust queen saying "It's a shame you didn't follow in your fathers footsteps" and at the end of the credits he's alive and says "What have you done!" after you destroy the normal locust cities.
The last bit comes from a leaked script for the gears of war movie. It existed on the internet for a brief time about a year and a half ago and really explained a lot about what happened just before and during E-Day (It was a really good script and some scenes will be incredibly powerful if done right). Marcus's father was in the movie script and just before E-Day he was getting strange activities from the underground areas. One of the scenes had him trying to go underground to get some more data and talk to key people but the security guard was giving him a tough time saying "No one is allowed underground! Ever" which seemed kind of odd but why wouldn't you want people to see what was going on underground? If you created a race of supper miner slaves! That's why! Eventually the military called for Marcus's fathers help and started showing him videos of strange things that were happening underground because he was an expert in that area. Most likely because he was on the project and it would also make sense as to why he had all the locust tunnels mapped out in his home computers as per gears of war 1.
So that's my theory. Anyone have ideas to support it? Ideas against it? Take the bit from the movie script with a grain of salt, the leaked script I read seemed pretty legit and it had a lot of details that weren't in gears of war 1 but when I played gears 2 I thought "Ah I remember they said this happened in the movie script". Anyways I believed it as legit but not everyone may.
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