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So which is it? A better game or a fun game? It looks like you can't get your stories straight.
You should try elaborating on your comments.
What...? A better game = More fun.
[QUOTE="luludooobee111"]Crackdown is alot more fun than GTAkrisroe_213
So when did you come to this conclusion? Before or after you showered with your dad?...
That's a bit presumptuous...maybe they had a conversation during the shower and they came to the conclusion that Crackdown is better. We may never know for sure.
But yeah I disagree as well.
I liked it better too. Not being able to drive your car if it flips over sucks :|
I'm not playing GTA again, but not because of that.
thats nicelawlessx
Everyone was bashing this guy for not explaining why he feels this way. I'm sure I will get the same treatment just b/c i don't fit in the majority
Do all of these people shower with their dads?
I'm sorry i thought this post was purely for attention purposes...
I played and returned crackdown as soon as I finished it. I didn't dislike it. But thenI picked up
Gta IV and believe i possessed "one" of the greatest games ever to come out... ever
How on earth do you compare the two, I know u can have your own opinions but seriously c'mon
:? confused... putting all aspects of each game together - gameplay, visuals, audio, online capabilities, storyline.. and
crackdown is better.....? ok then.
"Crackdown is a better game than GTA4" - Worst...statement... ever! :D
It's just like saying, "contracting aids is better than a 6 figure payrise."
Crackdown was underappriciated. But thankfully it sold well because people are obseesed with Halo 3...
GTA 4 is better in terms of scope though
i think most of the copies that were sold because of halo 3 beta. the beta was over when i bought it but i bought crackdown for crackdown.
i would say 4 is better but i think crackdown is a worth a try. i liked jumping from rooftop to rooftop :)
[QUOTE="Large_Soda"]So which is it? A better game or a fun game? It looks like you can't get your stories straight.
You should try elaborating on your comments.
What...? A better game = More fun.
A better game is not necessarily a more fun game.
The TC said it was a better game in the topic title, which tells me he thinks it's better in terms of graphics, game play, story and all things that encompass a "game".
Then I get into thread and he states it's more fun. Which one is it?
I would agree that climbing to the top of the Agency building and then leaping off of it is "more fun" than many things in GTA 4, as is picking up huge vehicles and hurling it at dudes.
But in terms of the actual games going head to head, no Crackdown is not a better game.
See? There is a difference and that's all I meant.
Thanks for your opinion. Personally, I disagree.Aaron89
I agree with the disagreement.
I couldn't bring myself to finish Crackdown, collecting a billion orbs just isn;t my idea of fun.
Actually I would agree with this statement, I find Crackdown to be the best game on the 360. GTAIV is fun and has a great world, but it lacks the sense of pure fun I get with Crackdown. Driving in GTAIV becomes a bit of a chore, thats why the cabs are included to skip it. Getting around in Crackdown never gets old, especially if you're just running and jumping across the buildings. Its an unknown quality in the game that keeps it fun. Saying someone is crazy for prefering Crackdown is short-sighted, for some it is a better game. Heck, I work at a videogame store, and there are tons of people who insist GTA is not a good game in the least...Final Fantasy, Smash Bros, Mario, MGS, Halo, etc. all come out on top for certain people. Heck, lots of people are still claiming Saints Row is better. jaycromer12
Crackdown is alot more fun than GTAluludooobee111
To each his own, but you're crazy if you think that.
I found Scarface better than
from a friend
"I don't think anyone should be getting crucified over which game is better, but I will say this: I'm getting rid of GTAIV and picking up a used copy of Crackdown because it was more fun for me. I suppose I just got tired of the same GTA formula of go-talk-to-someone-and-then-go-shoot/rob-somebody-else. Crackdown could be viewed as being just as [if not more] repetitive by the GTA crowd, but each his own. And don't say I haven't given the GTA franchise a chance...I have owned every GTA that has been published so far, and I only still own the first and second titles...the rest have bored me to tears. My latest hope was that the "Co-op 2-4" on the back of the case meant that we could have a true co-op experience with our friends...well, looks like that won't be happening, unless by "co-op" you mean driving around shooting people for no Anyways, I don't think the GTA titles are garbage--on the contrary, a lot of work goes into them, and they are quite intricate in their workings--but it's truly not for everybody. Crackdown, here I come..."
Actually I agree with this guy. I played GTA IV about 5 hours and I'd had enough..... The "co-op" mode is garbage in GTA IV. I was excited about that part of the game only to be disappointed. I was hoping a friend and I could play some missions. Instead you have to join a 16 player game or either roam the city (which gets boring). Then there's the team dm and stuff like that. If I'm going to play that gametype I would much rather play COD 4. Needless to say it sold on in less than 3 hours which makes me happy...DON"T BELIEVE THE HYPE! (unless you like single player games)kickthecann82
Um... who doesn't like single player games? I mean, if MP is the only gametype that you ever play then there's a lot you're missing out on.
[QUOTE="luludooobee111"]Crackdown is alot more fun than GTALessThanMike
you're crazy, seriously....crazy
Heaven forbid someone should express an opinion that differs from the status quo
Crackdown was a decent game. I liked the ability to explore all aspects of the city. Also, the game did a good job of giving you a feeling of altitude, especially while jumping rooftops and falling.
IMO. I have to disagree. GTAIV provides so much more. The story in GTA is a lot better. The character animations and voiceovers are a lot better. The game has more options for gaming pleasure. IMO
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